Saturday, July 13, 2013

Party Time and the Recovery

Last night was the big party at the house, so in order to get out of the way of some prep, Shar and I spent the afternoon by heading to the gym for an hour, followed by some beach time. Once people started to arrive, here is an idea of exactly how much food there was:

And this is what it looked like all set up:

You can't even handle this much deliciousness.

It was a fun and tiring night - lots of food and dancing on the back patio. There exists some very incriminating video of Sharbel, Shadi, and yours truly participating in the epitome of North American/Korean culture (Gangnam Style.) I'm half hoping it never surfaces and half hoping it does.

We slept in pretty late today, but then went out to Douzan for some "filtered coffee" (read: Canadian-style brewed coffee):

We also stopped in at the hotel where my family will be staying to look around and take some pictures:

This is the street just in front with some pretty trees:

The courtyard inside:

And the lobby:

I absolutely love these floors:

And just to prove to my parents/grandparents that getting money exchanged will not be difficult, here's a shot of the street directly opposite the hotel with the "Change" sign ;) :

Can't wait for everyone to join us in a few days!!!

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